Call for Digitization in a Box Project Participants

The South Carolina State Library is looking for Spring, Summer, and Fall participants for its Digitization in a Box Project!

What is the Digitization in a Box Project?

The Digitization in a Box Project allows public libraries in South Carolina to borrow scanning equipment, hardware, and software from the State Library to start a new digitization project.

Who can apply?

Any public library who would like to digitize a collection, and is in need of the technology, training, and support!

Is there any criteria?

State Library Seeks State Agency Social Media Library Participants

The South Carolina State Library is seeking state government agency participation in the South Carolina State Agency Social Media Library (, which provides public access to social media activity from partner South Carolina state agencies.

The South Carolina State Library is collaborating with ArchiveSocial (, a social media archiving company based in Durham, NC to create this searchable library.

Going, Going, Gone

By the end of 2015, if not sooner, all of the Talking Book Services audio cassette books will be out of circulation. The National Library Service (NLS) for the blind has been working to convert as many of them as they can to digital. Many are already available for download from the BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download) system.

As fewer and fewer cassettes will be sent to library users, Talking Book Services patrons should consider returning the old yellow cassette player to the State Library's Talking Book Services.