South Carolina Academy of Authors Announces Poetry Fellowship

The South Carolina Academy of Authors (SCAA) announces its third annual $1000 fellowship in poetry.

Submission Guidelines: Applicants must be full-time South Carolina Residents. All entries must be typed or computer printed on 8 1/2 X 11 paper. There is no restriction to form or content. Postmark deadline is Friday November 11, 2011. Manuscripts will not be returned.

South Carolina Academy of Authors Announces Fiction Fellowship

The South Carolina Academy of Authors (SCAA) announces its first annual $1000 fellowship in fiction. Entries may be previously unpublished short stories or excerpts from unpublished longer works. Limit 15 pages per submission, one submission per author. There are no restrictions on content; however, applicants must be full-time South Carolina residents. SCAA board members are ineligible.