LibraryVoicesSC now available on Stitcher

The South Carolina State Library's LibraryVoicesSC is now available on the popular podcasting app, Stitcher. "Stitcher is your source for portable and personalized podcasts, and news and talk internet radio. From business to tech news, from politics to comedy, we “stitch” the content you want into personalized, always-current stations that you can easily listen to on your iPhone, Android or desktop. Each day, the latest segments stream to you automatically, without you having to manually refresh anything.

The Importance of Play with Flow Circus - LibraryVoicesSC Podcast Episode 24

Dr. Curtis Rogers talks to Dawn Daria and Paul Miller about Flow Circus, their company that harnesses the power of creative, playful flow to energize, excite, and enliven groups. Founded in 1999, the first ten years of Flow Circus focused on growing a successful juggling education company with an array of performances to promote reading and STEM education as well as hands-on programs for tweens and teens.

Tobacco Sun with Lorna Hollifield - LibraryVoicesSC Podcast Episode 23

Listen to LibraryVoicesSC Podcast Episode 23 - Dr. Curtis Rogers sits down with author Lorna Hollifield to discuss her novel, Tobacco Sun. The year is 1947. The war is over, Jackie Robinson has just integrated baseball, and Frank Sinatra breezes in over the fuzzy airwaves. A sense of relief is finally sweeping the nation...everywhere except Tobaccoville, North Carolina.

Augusta Genealogical Society to offer seminar and lectures September 9, 2017

The Augusta Genealogical Society will present professional genealogist J. Mark Lowe on Saturday, September 9, as AGS celebrates the 38th anniversary of the founding of the Society. The seminar will include four lectures by Lowe, who describes himself as a full-time professional author and lecturer specializing in original records and manuscripts. “Research: The Tie That Binds Genealogists” - Speaker J.

State Library to offer unique solar eclipse workshop on July 26, 2017

The South Carolina State Library is pleased to host a free workshop on the Great American Eclipse 2017.  This interactive and hands on training is specifically designed for visually impaired individuals and those who work with visually impaired populations, including special education teachers, early childhood specialists, teacher aides, paraprofessionals, tutors, counselors, and those in higher education.